NEWD GYM was started in 2019 by Tianna Gregory because she wants to help other people better themselves and wanted to create a space that everyone could feel comfortable in while doing it. Tianna started her sportswear line “NEWD” in 2018 and the message behind it is, “We are all NEWD if you strip of us our clothes and we should never judge another person based on their size, color, shape, or for any reason. This message is also the basis of NEWD GYM and we want you to feel like we are your own personal private gym!”
Located in Murrieta, CA, NEWD GYM’s facility is open 24/7 and offers free Wi-Fi, personal training, free towel service, turf section, and a sportswear store. Also, there are exclusive access to NEWD events for members. BodyKore was able to provide NEWD GYM with some of our high-quality equipment perfect for leg training and cardio days.
- Belt Squat FL1834
- Stacked Series - Rear Kick - GR810