5 Best Trap Exercises to Build Bigger Traps

5 Best Trap Exercises to Build Bigger Traps

June 28, 2024


4 min. read

If you are a fitness enthusiast who wants to build strong backs, then you have come to the right place. 

It's not just about the looks. A well-developed trap is the key to a balanced and strong upper body. By targeting your traps with specific exercises, you can sculpt a powerful and impressive back. 

Now, the questions come: How can you build those traps? Buckle up as we break down all the best trap exercises to build bigger traps.

  1. Barbell shrugs 

Let's dive into the first trap exercise: Barbell shrugs. This fundamental move is a trap-building powerhouse. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the barbell in front of you with an overhand grip. 

Keep your arms fully extended and your back straight. Lift your shoulders towards your ears, focusing on contracting the trap muscles. Then, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for a killer trap workout. 

The best part about including barbell shrugs in your upper body workout is that they improve posture and work on your upper body aesthetics. 

  1. Upright Row 

The second trap exercise on our list is the upright row. To perform this exercise, you need the help of a dumbbell or a barbell. Your body can choose the variation, but we recommend starting slowly. 

Hold the barbell, keep your back straight and maintain a slight bend in your knees throughout the workout. Lift the weight towards your chin by pulling your elbows and keeping them higher than your wrist, Maintain your focus on squeezing your shoulder at the top of the lift to engage the trap muscles fully. 

It is required to perform upright rows with proper form to avoid strain on the shoulder joints, adjust the weight accordingly and maintain control throughout each repetition. 

  1. Dumbbell Shrugs

The next form of shrug on our list is the Dumbbell shrug. It is one of the straight and effective dumbbell workouts for targeting those upper tarps. You start by standing upright with a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended fully, and palms facing your body. 

Lift both shoulders upward in a controlled manner and squeeze your traps at the top of the movement to increase contradiction. Hold this position for a while and lower the dumbbell back down slowly. 

Including these in your upper body workout routine can help you strengthen your traps and enhance shoulder stability. Adjust the dumbbell according to your fitness level and aim for controlled reps.

  1. Face Pull

One unheard-of workout is face pulls. It works great on your deltoids, upper back, traps, and shoulder. To perform this, you start by setting the cable machine with a rope attachment at about chest height. Then, stand a few feet away from the cable machine, grab the rope handles with an overhand grip, and step back to create tension in the cable. 

Next, initiate the moment by pulling the rope towards your face. Aim to bring handles outside the ears, keep your elbows high, and effectively engage upper traps. Pause for a brief moment and slowly return to the rope to the initial position. During the workout, avoid using momentum that could compromise form. 

  1. Farmer Walk

Farmer Walk is yet another hidden gem in the upper body workout routine. It is an effective workout that builds strength, endurance, and stability. You begin by standing shoulder-width apart and holding a heavy weight, such as a dumbbell or kettlebell, while keeping your arm fully extended. 

Maintain a strong upright posture, shoulder back, chest out, and core engaged. Start by walking at a steady pace, keeping the weights to avoid leaning to the side. Walk for a set distance, such as 20-50 meters, for a set amount of time. 

Keep the movement controlled and focus on maintaining the walk through the workout. Once you reach the end of your time, set the weights down carefully. It is one of the best exercises for athletes, weightlifters, and anyone looking to improve their overall physical conditioning. 


These are the most effective trap workouts to build strong strong trap and overall back. Include them in your workout routine as each target the traps from different angles and contribute to overall upper body strength. Consistently precoce the movements with proper form and increase your shoulder stability and posture. Start with weights and allow to maintain good form and increase the load as your strength improves. 

More Resources:

Good Morning Exercise Guide

Best Cable Machine Exercises


*NOTE: BodyKore strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Before performing any exercise program remember to think about your current level of physical health and whether you are able to participate in exercise.


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