5 Weight Lifting Exercises For Beginners That Can Take You Step Ahead

5 Weight Lifting Exercises For Beginners That Can Take You Step Ahead

March 30, 2023


2 min. read

Weight training is an integral part of any fitness routine, as it strengthens the muscles and increases the metabolism, allowing for more significant calorie burn and improved overall health. It can also help to reduce body fat, improve heart health, and increase endurance. 

Moreover, weightlifting can help to improve self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as build mental strength. So, you can improve your overall health and fitness with weightlifting. Multiple weightlifting exercises can benefit you if you are a beginner looking for physical fitness, increased muscle mass, and strength. 

Besides that, being naive, the chances of injury are high. Still, we can unveil 5 of the best exercises for beginners to help you prevent injury, increase your metabolism, and improve your posture. So let's take out that yoga mat and perform some easy and practical exercises that can keep you in shape in no time. 

5 Exercises For Beginners

It is essential to know the basics of any program before starting it. Having the right equipment and knowledge is essential to ensure success. So, to start weight training, you first need a good set of weights. You can use free weights, like dumbbells or barbells, or a weight machine that uses cables or plates. 

Next, a weight bench or some other type of support is necessary. You can also use a chair, a countertop, or a weight rack. Choosing a bench or other support that is stable and able to hold your weight is essential. It would help to have exercise mats to protect your floor and joints. 

Further, using a nylon lifting belt can solve all your problems. It can not only support you but can also allow smoother movements. Finally, it would help if you had the plan to lift weights. You can design your weight training program or follow an existing one. If you are a weight trainer, it is best to consult a trainer or fitness professional to design a program tailored to your goals and abilities. 



Squats are an excellent way for beginners to start building strength and muscle. You can target your quads, glutes, and core by performing squats. Moreover, you can also improve your balance, coordination, and flexibility.   

For beginners starting with squats, it's essential to use proper form. Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Take a deep breath and engage your core. Bend your knees and lower until your hips are below your knees. 

Make sure to keep your back flat and your chest up. Now, push through your heels to press yourself back up. You can start with a bodyweight squat. Once you have mastered the bodyweight squat, you can add weights.   

Chest Press


Weight lifting can be a great way to build strength and muscle, and starting with a chest press can be an excellent way for beginners to get comfortable with the basics of weight lifting. With the proper guidance and appropriate form, beginners can do well on their way to a successful weightlifting journey. 

It is essential to know the basics of chest press form. Start seated on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Hold the barbell with a shoulder-width grip and ensure your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. 

Then, push the barbell up until your arms are fully extended, pause for a moment, and gradually lower the barbell back to the initial position. Keep your back flat against the bench and your elbows pointed outwards throughout the movement. Remember to start with less weight.



Deadlift is considered a comprehensive exercise that can target your multiple muscle groups, and it's known to be the best exercise to build strength and power. It takes practice and patience to perfect the deadlift's form and build strength. 

Start by warming up your muscles with light cardio, such as jacks or jogging. Then set up a barbell at hip level and stand with your feet hip-width apart. Make sure to keep your back straight and your core engaged. 

Now, bend your knees and grab the bar with an overhand grip. Lift the bar off the ground, maintaining a straight back and tight core. Once the bar is at hip level, stand up and squeeze your glutes. Keep your back straight, and your core engaged, lower the barbell back to the ground and keep your control. 

Leg Press


Weight lifting can be intimidating for beginners, but the leg press is a great place to start. By incorporating leg presses in your beginner's routine, you can work many of the major muscles in the legs and provide a great introduction to the world of weight lifting. It is as simple and achievable as that.

You can get the most out of the exercise by keeping patience, practicing, and your form correct. It means pushing your back against the back pad, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and toes pointing forward. Keep your stomach muscles tight and your head and neck in a neutral position. 

Keep your feet planted on the platform and focus on pushing with your heels. Once you reach the bottom of the press, hold the weight for a few seconds before pushing it back up. Leg Press Machine is focused on pushing the weight up with your legs, and ensure your back and stomach stay tight throughout the movement. 

Overhead Press


Lastly, the overhead press is an ideal beginner's weight lifting program as it is simple to learn and provides plenty of benefits, from improved strength, muscle mass, posture, and enhanced coordination to better balance and joint mobility. 

Proper form is essential when performing any exercise, especially when lifting weights. You can prevent injury and gain maximum exercise using the correct form and appropriate weights. Start with the lighter weight and proceed slowly. 

Perform a warm-up and start by planting your feet on the ground roughly shoulder width apart, your back flat and chest slightly lifted. Hold the weights in your hands in a neutral grip, with the elbows slightly bent and the arms close to the body. Lift the weights overhead, hold for a few seconds, then lower down. Start with small weights and progress slowly.


To wrap up, lifting weights doesn't need to be intimidating. You can start your journey slowly and take it one step at a time. Before you know it, you can confidently stride into the weight room and perform those five fundamental beginner exercises - squats, chest presses, deadlifts, leg presses, and overhead presses - with greater ease.  

Who knows? You may even surprise yourself by pushing beyond your initial goals and developing a passion for bodybuilding! Whether you're tightening up to impress that special someone or toning your physique to feel healthier, in general, consists of these five workouts - now it is up to you to choose where to take them! So take a deep breath and prepare for physical freedom when lifting weights. If going to the gym is not for you, consider exploring other options like IV therapy to support fitness journey. If you are interested, take a home gym package at Bodykore and start your fitness journey today!


*NOTE: BodyKore strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Before performing any exercise program remember to think about your current level of physical health and whether you are able to participate in exercise.


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