5 Ways To Start and Stay On Your Fitness Goals
December 11, 2022
3 min. read
Discussing Fitness In a Time of Distress
Taking on multiple jobs is easy. For one whose responsibilities at home are manifold and demanding, taking on more than one side hustle is clockwork. In this day and age, faced with the threat of a global economic crisis, that ridiculous pop saying, you snooze, you lose, has never been more relevant.
But we can only manage so much. Serving two or three masters may and will take its toll on our minds and bodies. Before we know it, we're old and struggling with a degenerative disease that we could not, for the life of us, trace the beginning of. Or why we have it in the first place.
While social media and the world wide web are seen as progenitors of decadence and misinformation, they have also become venues for shattering the latter. The abundance of online information provides us with healthy options to fit our lifestyles and economic status.
One of the topics often discussed is how we can start and keep track of our fitness goals. The discussions have become significant, especially with how contemporary life presses us in every direction that only leads us to neglect our health.
By The Numbers
A report from Policy Advice.net details multiple data on health costs across the United States. The report also revealed data on exercise frequency in select demographics. It painted a picture of the pain points that the health and fitness industry must address and resolve.
According to the report, the annual health costs in the United States have reached $117 billion due to improper physical activity.
The costs are associated with the lack and absence of exercise. The report says that the inactivity of many Americans is becoming a burden on the U.S. federal budget.
The report suggested that the government should incentivize citizens to exercise regularly. This will reduce expenses and heighten the overall health of the country.
The report also pointed out that only half of all U.S. adults exercise sufficiently. The same amount of them suffer from chronic diseases.
The average percentage of adults in the country that meet the necessary physical activity guidelines only reached 22.9%.
These numbers clearly show a considerable lack of exercise and physical activity in the country.
That said, setting your fitness goals should be one of our top priorities.
5 Ways To Start Treading The Path Toward Your Fitness Goal
Here are some ways you can start determining and staying with your fitness goals.
Set SMART Goals
SMART isn't just a goal-setting method for businesses. You can easily use it to determine your fitness goals.
Here, you must declare a specific goal such as competing in a Spartan Race by the end of the year. You select a place where you can train with someone who can join you in the competition. You must ensure that the goal is tangible. Setting a vague one will not anchor you to your cause.
We must have ways to measure our progress. For instance, if you're a runner, you might want to keep an app that tracks the average kilometers you run daily or weekly. Measuring this allows you to keep pushing toward the highest number of kilometers you can run.
While you're working toward an ideal, your goal-setting must be realistic. As mentioned above, you can incrementally increase your efforts so that your body neither gets shocked nor stumped.
Your training or fitness goal should serve to stimulate you. You have to delve into something that interests you.
Like any other project, it is important to set a deadline. Keeping the deadline is just as important. As much as possible, do not postpone it.
Act. Don't Wait For Motivation
Waiting for motivation is a capital sin when aiming at productivity. The same goes for working out. When you wait for motivation, you rely on external stimuli to push you to work. So when it does not come, you are compelled to postpone what you have set out to do.
You must work out regardless if you are 'feeling' it or not. Motivation should come internally. Do not rely on anything outside yourself.
Be With People Who Will Influence You Positively
Birds of the same feather flock together. Mindsets work the same way. If you are surrounded by people sharing the same goals and similar philosophies, you will thrive in your fitness trajectory. Dr. Brian Cole, a sports doctor, says that apart from genetics and family history, your social history also determines your health. This means the crowd you associate with extensively will also influence your bodily inclinations, health, and well-being.
Don't Let Stress Get To You
Stress is a burdensome problem many of us face daily. Stress always points us in the wrong direction. Most of the time, we cannot do anything but follow. We eat excessively, we become dormant for extended periods, we start binge-watching shows on Netflix, and before we know it, the time has already passed. We missed our chance to work out.
Instead of giving in, start working out. In fact, according to studies, this will help you alleviate your stress because it can alleviate stress through the release of endorphins.
Train Around The Pain
If you feel sore or injured, it would be more advisable to train.
Do not let an injury stop you. You can always work around it. For example, if you have a dislocated shoulder, you can always train your legs. As much as possible, do not postpone your schedule because of an inconvenience.
Professional athletes still train despite being benched from competitions due to injuries. They return to the gym so that their bodies are not derailed from their rhythm. Once they have recovered, they can return to the field stronger and more prepared.
You'll Get There
While setting your goals is only half the battle, being able to determine them is already a win in itself. But of course, what would benefit you is if you keep working toward the goal. And do not be confined to going to the gym to lift weights. You can try your hands on various outdoor activities that would keep you on the move. You can try skateboarding, swimming, surfing, and cycling. Do whatever stimulates you so that you do not fall into inertia.
If you're enrolling in a gym, make sure to set a budget. Going to the gym also entails the costs of clothes, gym bags, and your membership fee.
But more importantly, stepping out of your comfort zone is always the first step to establishing a strong set of fitness goals.
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